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Warrenton March 19 1867
Dear Sir
The affairs in this town are going on altogether wrong. the white peopl all here are prejudiced against the colored people there cant hardly come a deacent colored person in town but that there are insults of the most infamous kind given and it is almost dangerous for them to go out after dark as they are liable to be molested at any time and the Lieutenant proves no protection for them It would do a vast deal of good to send a military guard here to keep the rebel spirit in subjection only today a colored man came to town and he was termed "Yankee negro" by some of our gentlemen and I heard him say that he would shoot him in a minute it is to be hoped that this state of affairs will not long have to be endured but that we may have some protection from some of the United States forces.
I am Sir Your Obedient Servant
A colored resident in Warrenton VA
P.S. we would like to hear from you through the Washington Chronicle. 