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up the axe, and the father stepped in, and Minor struck him with the back part of the axe, which was warded off, by his receiving it upon the arm, but knocking him down, at the same time cursing him.

The Mother interferred and stopped further action. John and Minor's Father then came to Brentsville and had Minor arrested. The case was given to the jury, who returned a verdict of Guilty, sentencing the prisoner to the Penetentiary for 2 years.

Judge Thomas set aside the verdict, and ordered a new trial.

The whole family have a bad reputation, and Minor is known to have an ungovernable temper. While I believe the prisoner has suffered enough for his Misconduct, I would state, that I do not think this a case for Military interference.

I am, Col,
Very respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
(Sg'd) W. S. Chase

P.S. I also enclose Minor's statement.
Thro. Capt. S.P. Lee
S.A. Comr

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-16 16:49:57