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refused. Then they came to Brentsville and the Commonwealth's Att'y. A. Micals, had a warrant issued by the Commissioner of the Circuit Court. I was arrested and lodged in jail, and not tried until 3, or 4 days afterward, by Allen Howison, a Justice of Peace, and sent on for trial. On the first Monday of Dec, I was examined in the County Court, and sent on for trial in the Circuit Court. 

The trouble between my cousin and myself grew out of a Mule trade, and consider that I was only acting in self defense, and know that there is no chance for me in this County, on account of my Union sentiments.

(Signed) Minor F. Davis.

(signed) W.S. Chase
2d Lt. V.R.C. & A.S.A. Comr.

[[left margin]] D 74. R F & A L. Va. 1 Vol 1867 [[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
I didn't transcribe the note on the left margin ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-16 16:55:41