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D. 101 R.F. & A.L. Va. 2d. Vol. 1867.
"D" 4. Hd Qrs 3d Sub Dist R.F. & A.L State of Va. Vol. 1/67

Bureau RF. & AL Dist Va
Office Surg in Chief Dist
Richmond Va June 13th 1867

De Lamater J J Surg US Vols
Bvt Lt Col & Surg in Chief Dist

Respectfully represents that patients are sometimes sent for confinement at Howard Grove Hospital as insane, who are not so - and requesting the issuing of an order, that to send, or confine a person there as supposed to be insane, cannot [[strikethrough]] only [[/strikethrough]] hereafter, be allowed, until a formal application has been made accompanied with a proper certificate of insanity, and on those an order for admission shall only issue from Office of the Surg in Chief Dist Va

Rec'd H'd Qr's 3d Sub Dist State of Va June 24 1867


Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and A. Lands,
Head Qrs. Asst. Con. State of Virginia.
Richmond, Va., June 14th 1867.

Respectfully returned to Surg J. J. De Lamater Surg in Chf for the names of the persons confined as herein stated, also the places from which they came, and the names of the officers sending them.

O Brown
Bvt: Brig: Genl Vols
Asst: Comr:

E. & M. 1. V. 539, 67 }

E M 87 12, 6

Bureau R.F. & AL Dist Va
Office Surg in Chief Dist.
Richmond Va June 16th 1867

Respectfully refered to AA Surg D R Brower USA in charge of Howard Grove Hospital. His attention called to the cases in the insane ward of his Hospital in regard to which we conferred and a special report requested, with these papers to be returned, giving the information requested by Brig Genl Brown

J J De Lamater
Bvt Lt Col & Surg USV
Surg in chief Dist Va

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