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it is wrong to confine a person as insane who is not.

I am very respectfully &c
Your Obedient Servant.
JJ DeLamater
Bvt. Lieut col and Surg US Vols.
Surg in Chief Dist of Va.
Bureau R.F and A Lands.

Bureau RF and AL
Offic of A.S.A.C.
Richmond Va 22th June / 67

Respectfully returned to Lt Paul R Hambrick with the information, that the persons within mentioned were brought to this office by a Sergt of Police.

They were found in this City utterly destitute and without friends, and were reported to me as being of unsound mind. During the time they were under Guard in my office prior to their removal to Howards Grove Hospl their manner portrayed strong indications of insanity  They having been abandoned by the civil authorities as an act of humanity I deemed it proper to send them to Howards Grove Hospital

Benj C Cook
Bvt Capt ans ASAC
1st Div 3d Sub Dist

E & M
1st Vol 149. 141. 143 / 67

Transcription Notes:
A portion of this page is duplicated from an earlier page.