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The Medical Department of the Bureau of the Dist of Va. has under employment employers at Hampton and Richmond only. Those at Farmville having been discharged Nov. 26th at the closing of the Hospital.

The number of employees at Richmond including Hospital Asylums &c. is 22.
The number at Hampton is 6.
Total number employed. 28.
The pay of these amounts per month to $361.00
The pay of all Medical Officers per mo is. $800.00
Total expense for employees per month. $1161.00

Instructions have been given to the various medical Officers on duty to educate the freedmen as carefully as possible, to self dependence in health and sickness, being sure at the same time to prevent all suffering among them from want of medicines, or advice and care, when they cannot provide for themselves.

To insure this purpose, proper careful instructions, have been given to all medical Officers, a copy of which is on file in the office of the Asst. Comr Dist Va.

No infectious, contagious, or epidemic diseases are prevailing in the District. The amount of sickness among freedmen is not large for the season of the year. I am happy to add, (which agrees with my convictions from other

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-16 08:18:10