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Wilbraham April 22d 1867

I take the liberty of thrusting myself upon your attention to ask a personal favor of you in behalf of my former "chief clerk", Mr. Edward P. Stowell, now residing on the Eastern Shore of Va. I understand he would like to be appointed "Register" for these Counties under the "Reconstruction Act"; it struck me that perhaps you could aid him to get the appointment and I should esteem it a personal favor if you would use your influence in his behalf. I believe him to be capable of performing the duties of that office & that he has by long experience in the Q.M. Dept peculiar qualifications fitting him for that, or any other position the Govt. may see fit to confer upon him. Please do what you can for him and thus greatly oblige 
Your Old Friend and
Obt Sv't
A. S. Flagg

Brvt Brig Genl. Orlando Brown
Asst Comr. Bu R. F. and A.L. Va.