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inevitably ensue, resolved to Seek again his Southern home. With Some dificulty he regained possession of his farm. with the tenements remaining thereon and with the scanty means at his command went manfully to work. To the "freedmen" who flocked to him for employment and Supports. he farmed out his land in Small parcels furnishing them huts to live in, teams and all necessary utensils for farming, with unlimited privilege to raise "Stock" and giving them one half. of all their products.
Every thing was moving on prosperously for a time both for employer and employes. until the old rebel ire was rekindled by recent political events, when it soon developed itself towards brother and the freedmen in various ways, first in burning their School house, and then in numberless petty annoyances and finally this Spring by burning his barn with all its contents - grain hay farming utensils etc. He is the owner of the farm, but has not the means to replace these things, nor yet Sufficient ready funds to bear his expences north. where he hopes to raise means, and return to renew this unnatural conflict for the peaceful possession of his own home. in what he rightfully claims to be

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-18 16:01:37 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-19 10:39:02