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to the same as follows,

Under the Municipal Charter of the Corps: of Fredg & by the Code of Virginia, the Common Council of Fredbg have the charge and jurisdiction of providing for the Poor of the Town, the Common Council appoints the Board of Overseers, provides the means for the support of the Poor, and supervises the action of the Board.

There is no Almshouse or other Building under the Control or in the use of the Board: and since the close of the War, such means as were placed by the Common Council at the disposal of the Board have been dispensed by the Board to indigent persons, who were in urgent necessity for help to enable them to procure food, shelter fuel etc. The Amount thus dispensed by the Board for 1866, was the sum of $739 91/00 so far during the year 1867 the sum of $836 13/00 has been expended by the Board.

At the end of the War the Citizens of Fredbg who for the most part were refugees from their homes, because of the destructive and desolating Military operations which were conducted in and around the Town from Dec 62 until 65.  Their Houses and Lots were for the most part in a dismantled and seriously injured condition:  needing much repair to make them tenantable.  They had for the most part little or no furniture, and they had very scanty means for the procurement 

Transcription Notes:
Fredbg and Fredg = abbreviations for Fredericksburg. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-19 11:47:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-20 10:43:25