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with such cases as stated within, and report them to this office with his recommendations, thereby saving Mr. Graves the trouble of writing direct to the Assistant Commr.
The statement made by Mr. Graves that great suffering and destitution exists among the freedmen in your County does not compare favorably with the report, made some time ago by you that Hanover Co, was providing for its poor, no matter of what color.

James A. Bates
Capt 43d Infty and Supt

E&M 67 Vol 1

Beaver Dam Depot
Dist of Va March 25th/67

G. 16. R.F.&.A.L. Ste of Va 1t Vol. 1867

H. V. Graves

"G". 5. Office Supt 3d Dist RF and AL State of Va Vol 1 1867

Reports that mechanics of Hanover County are unwilling to furnish Coffins gratuitously to indigent Freedmen. Also reports great suffering and destitution among freedmen of this County.
(One enclosure)

Howard's Grove Hospital
Richmond Va March 25 67
Respectfully forward to Bv't.. Brig Genl O' Brown
Asst Commissioner by request,
through office of the 

Rec'd Office Supt 3" Dist State of Va March 28" 1867

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