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[[left margin]] Supersedeas Bond [[/left margin]]

Robert B. Howison and Westel Willoughby are held and firmly bound unto Robert P. Lacey in the just and full sum of three hundred dollars, to the payment whereof well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, Administrators and assigns &c, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 23rd day of June 1866. The condition of the above obligation is such. That whereas the said Robert B. Howison hath preferred to the Judge of the Circuit Court of Alexandria a petition for a writ of Supersedeas to a judgement of the County Court of Alexandria, rendered on the 7th day of April 1866, in an action of Detinue wherein the said Richard P. Lacy was plaintiff and the said Robert B. Howison was defendant, whereby it was considered that the plaintiff recover of the defendant the bay mare in controversy if she may be had, but if not then $75, the value of said mare, together with $75, damages, by the jury ascertained and his costs in said suit expended, and the said Judge hath allowed the supersedeas prayed for upon the terms provided by law, and has fixed the penalty of the bond at Three Hundred Dollars. Now if the said Robert B. Howison his executors or Administrators shall prosecute the said writ with effect or shall well and truly pay the amount of the judgement aforesaid of the said Country Court and all such costs and damages as shall be awarded in case the said judgment

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