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by the Commonwealth attorney and Major Douglas, a lawyer of much ability, and withal a returned Confederate Officer.  This man has exhibited much interest in cases where the freedpeople are parties, and in every instance assuming their cause and seeing that justice was properly rendered them.
   The Colored people have improved greatly, in morality and much to the satisfaction of the Whites in this County.  The Citizens are pleased with and are becoming reconciled to the change wrought in the system of labor.  One of the most prominent farmers, a Mr. Littlefrange, declaring it as his belief that the change was decidedly to the interest of the farmer.  With but few exception the freedpeople are industrously at work either on shares or at the stipulated price per month.  Laboring hands can easily get from $6.00 to $10.00 per month, with food, and house furnished tham to live in.  The supply of labor is not sufficient for the demand in this County.  There are but few indigent Colored in the County and they are properly cared for by the County.