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even to starvation.
That this Law should be altered or amended is a fact beyond dispute, and should receive the earliest attention of our law makers.
The builder is now protected by his lien on the property erected, by the Statutes of this Commonwealth; then is there any reason why the laborer should not be protected in the same manner, by lien on crop or if mechanic by Statute as preferred creditor.
Hoping this subject will recieve your earliest attention.
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obed't Serv't
Paul R. Hambrick
Lieut 45th Infty. Sub Ass't Com'r

Transcription Notes:
10.20.2023 - Transcribed per guidelines (spelling transcribed as is) and marking for review ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-22 20:56:22