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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,

Richmond, Va., January 24 1867

Capt W.P. Austin,
Supt 1st Dist. Bureau R.F.& A L
It is deemed important in addition to the verbal instructions I left on the subject of following up the Vaughan case, that Lt. Havens. Asst Supt of Princess Anne Co. should see the Sheriff and Jailor of that County and obtain a distinct answer to the questions when the letter of the Secy of the Commonwealth enclosing the pardon, which was dated on 22d ult, mailed on same [[overwritten]] date [[/overwritten]] day and received in Norfolk on 24th -  was received by either the Sheriff or Jailor - and from whom was it received by either of them in person - where was it left by the party who brought it from Mr Cobbs' store - and by whom was it so brought? Is there to be found any order to the Jailor apart from this pardon? [[overwritten]] [[?]] [[/overwritten]] Obtain a certified copy if any. Lt Havens should see in person not only the Sheriff and Jailor, but those to whom they may refer and all parties who form the chain in this matter. He will thereupon make a full report.


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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-23 14:45:53