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to that point.
As it was impossible for me to remain sufficiently long in Princess Anne County to see and personally converse with all the officials, some of whom were not accessible at the time of my visit, the [[strikethrough]] future [[/strikethrough]]  further prosecution of the enquiry was left with Lt. Morton Havens, Asst. Supt. in charge of that county.  His report with enclosures, is hereto appended (Exhibits B. C. & D), its delay having kept back my own report until this time.

It will be seen from these that the suppression of the pardon is denied and that no evidence has been derived from the parties who would be implicated.  I did not expect that they would confess.  I however remain of the opinion that some party unknown suppressed the pardon during the interval before mentioned, and if it only reached the Court Clerk on the 15th January it was intended only to reach him at that time and was produced when it could no longer be retained. 
I am General
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servant
Garrick Mallery
Capt. 43rd U.S. Inftry

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-23 10:34:01