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with it, and said "if you [[strikethrough]] attempt to ride [[strikethrough]] ride on me, I'll knock your horse down." Dudley then jumped off his horse, and said "dam your soul, you had better go away from here dam quick" "you have no business here anyway, you have no business here in this crowd." William Glasgo, a colored man who was present, told Lewis Jones to go away, and took hold of him and led him away a piece. Then I took hold of him and led him over to a house in the rear of the stable where the difficulty occurred. When I had done this, I looked back towards the stable and saw new fighting. I ran back to see what was the matter. Upon my arriving at the spot, I saw Hamilton Dudley, Cyrus Harding and Madison Morgan, and Lewen Stewart all pitching in upon William Glasgo. I saw all these men strike him. Madison Morgan was striking Glasgo over the head with a stick or cane. When I asked William Glasgo what was the matter, Morgon stopped striking Glasgo and commenced striking me over the head, saying "you dam son of a bitch what do you want here." I replied nothing, only I want to know what is the matter here. I soon

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-19 13:43:38