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Some time after this James C. Bryant a constible procured a revolver and pursued Veney who had left with a crowd of Negroes who had been pursuaded he Veney with the rest to go home and which they were doing a considerable number of whites volunteered to go alonst with Bryant to rearrest Veney, Bryant overtook the party of Negroes whom Veney was one about thirty rods from the Hall, Bryant upon comeing up to them discharged his revolver upon which Veney got behind to or three other Negroes Bryant then shouted surrender and fired again at this a colored man by the name of John Corbin not knowing Bryant nor his office, supposed seeing Bryant and a groupe of whites supposed they had followed them up to renew the fight. Bryant [[snoped?]] his pistol again but it didnot discharge. The whites with Bryant were crying shoot the damed Negroes. Corbin drew a revolver 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-20 16:25:03