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Cracken, Jon L. Marye, Jr,A.P. Rowe,J. W.Sener, W.C.Morrison, W. H. Cunning. ham, Geo. W. Wroten, and A. B. Adams.
  A motion was made to nominate a candidate for the Mayoralty , but it was not agreed to, and the meeting adjourned until Friday night.
  On Tuesday evening Mayor Slanghter was instructed by the Council to consult with the President and Attorney General, as to the right of the colored people to vote at the ensuing municipal election. His honor went. but returned minus an answer. The President reffered him to General Schofield. now our military governor.
  The colored people have also been (?(cauccaing)?), and the result of their deliberations is said to be the following ticket:
         For Mayor.
       Dr. L. B. Rose.
         For Council.
  George W. Eve, Dr. B. S. Herndon. W C. Morrison, Charles Williams, James B. Sener, john H. Mever Dr. F. P. Wellford, John J. Young, H. B. Hoomes, W.H Thomas G. W. Wioten , Wm. H Cunningham. 
  The contest promises to be a warm one. It is supposed some six hundred votes will be pulled.
  The Nw Era.- At the meeting held last Monday evening, by the colored citizens of Fredericksburg, a Union League was formed, and the following address and resolutions were adopted:
  Fellow-Citizens: This meeting inaugurates a new era in our history. For the first time, since the world began, we behold now a great nation, republican in form, which has for its foundation, the principles, first, declared by Virginia's greatest statesmen, that all men are created free and equal as to their rights. Yet, hitherto, this has been but a declaration of principle, whilst now, it is a matter of law. Let us thank God for the triumphs of these truths.
  And now that these principles have triumphed, we meet here to-night to inaugurate such measures as will secure them, to  ourselves and to our sentiments, we adopt the following preamble and resolutions. 
  Whereas, It is the purpose of the newly enfranohised citizens of Fredericksburg, to vote at the ensuing election for Municipal Officers, and, whereas, in the exercise of this sacred right , it is proper to express the principles by which we will be governed; therefore be it
  Resolved, That we shall support for offiee, the very best men who are known to have identified themselves with our interests, and that we invite the citizens of Fredericksburg to unite with us in electing such men to office.
  Resolved, Then when the meeting adjourn to meet Thursday evening next, to nominate officers to be voted for at the ensuing Municipal election.
  It will thus be seen that the newly enfranchised citizens, inscribe upon their banner, “Peace and good will towards all men,” equality before the law, universal education.

Transcription Notes:
Not sure in some words( matched with question mark) Also left text needs to be transcribed