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the said Garnett (in company with a certain freedboy Ellick Braxton) started toward me and when, they had reached me both being side by side, in the road track within some few yards of the Stable Gate, Garnett (the white man, said to me, "you dumb rascal I'll now put shot into you, & I then had my colt loading to the side I answered back to him do it Sir if you dare, he then walked out into some corn stalks, standing beside the track and fired upon me, the load taking effect into both legs and severely wounding me into my left leg, in and below the knee, as the fellow was in 15 or 20 yds of me it has nearly cost me the entire loss of my leg and certainly disabling me for life. This man passing as a white man, squatted on the premises immediately after the death of our then master who bequeathed to his then slaves numbering 20 his farm Greenway and all I may say he owned. Having taken up with me of my sister before the death of their master he determined to possess himself of a second sister and to ill treat abuse and set aside, the first - upon nearly killing (with a blow over the head this first betroth, she recovered, went to Richmond