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a Military commission. I might also add that Lieut. Chance of the Freedmans Beaureau directed this man Garnett to leave this place Greenway last summer. Chance being abt that time succeeded by Major Butts (another officer, he hangs on, until he ruins me, I will also add that I had nothing in my hands when shot whatever nor did I say anything to the assassin to cause him to shoot me whatever - save these words "shoot me if you dare" I have suffered Hogs suffering this winter, have been down since Nov. last with no money to do anything with, and am now run into by the Sheriff for capitation Tax $3.28 and threatened with levy, and also land tax 105 ct which tax is the business of the Admr. Sheriff Turner of the estate late Anderson Scott to pay (105) Land Tax - the said Turner Admr. having all the a/cs or bonds due the late A. Scott in his possession, but under cover of the state law of Va. (intended as a repudiation not) All which, is respectfully submitted

Benjamin F. Jones