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Bureau of Refugees. Freedmen. and A. Lands.
H'd Quars. Sub Asst Com'r. 6th Sub District. Va.
Fredericksburg. Va. June 18th 1867.

Brevet Brig Genl O. Brown.
Asst Commissioner. State of Virginia.
Richmond. Virginia.

In obedience to Circular No 5 Bureau of R.F. and A.L. H'd Quars. Asst Com'r. State of Va. of date March 27. 1867, I have the honor to state that I concluded an Inspection of my Sub District 8th of June inst. and make the following report

1st What applies to one applies to all of the Divisions in my Sub Dis't with regard to the general condition of the Freedmen

Viz: That most of them are doing well — a large majority                               contracting for themselves in the matter of labor and raising of crops, but few coming before the Agents to contract. More Contracts made by the Asst Sub Asst Com'r of the 1st Dist. than all the other Asst Sub Asst Commissioners combined.

2nd As to justice being rendered the Freedmen, what applies to one applies to all of the Divisions, thier evidence is received in good faith, properly considered,and

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