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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Office of A.S.A.Com'r 3rd Div. 6th Sub Dist. Va.
Tappahannock, Essex Co. Va. August 28, 1867.
Bvt Lt. Col. James Johnson
Sub Asst Com'r 6th Sub Dist Va.
I have the honor to forward through your Head Quarters to the Asst. Com'r the following report in compliance with Circular No. 16 dated Hd. Qrs. Asst. Com'r Richmond, Va. August 17, 1867.
The Civil authorities of the three Counties comprising this Division are prepared to receive and do receive all colored paupers into their Poor Houses. There are no indigent colored people now in charge of the Bureau in this Division.
I am Colonel,
Very Respectfully, Your obt srvt
Watson R. Wentworth
2nd Lieut V.R.C. & A.S.A. Com'r Bur. R.F. & A.L.
Mil Commissioner