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Report Continued 

Buckingham County 

[[8 columned table]] 
| Number | Name | Age | Condition | Residence | Length of Residence in the County | Amount and character of support to be relied upon by the Civil Authorities | Remarks. | 
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 
| 1 | Elijah Bell | 80 | Infirm & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos | The appropriation from the County levy for the support of the Poor in this County is $1000. for the year 1867. - But little interest is taken in the pauper population, in this County, - which contains a larger number of people absolutely dependent upon others, than in either of the other counties, - although the Bureau, is not providing for as many as it does in Prince Edward Co, - The same rule, in regard to relieving the wants of the poor is observed here by the County Authorities | The Remarks made with reference to Prince Edward County hold good her, and the extent to which the poor will be provided for by the County is confined to the appropriation from the County levy. | 
| 2 | Baruch Cox | 82. | Infirm & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   | 
| 3 | Lewis Walkins | 88 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 4 | John Each. | 90 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 5 | Saml Garrett | 90 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 6 | Alex Claiborne | 85 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 7 | Jacob Morgan | 84 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 8 | Ned Gough | 75 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 9 | Celia Denexer | 80 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 10 | Lottie Hill | 85 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 11 | Judy Kyle | 85 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 12 | Abby Trent | 95 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 13 | Sylvia Hanes | 68 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 14 | Molly Claiborne | 70 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 15 | Maria Albright | 75 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 16 | Rachael Kincade | 75 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 17 | Rosena Each | 80 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 18 | Hannah Gilliam | 80 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 19 | Betsy Branch | 95 | Blind & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |
| 20 Betsy Perkins | 95 | Deaf & Destitute | Buckingham Co Va | Over 12 mos |   |   |