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B R F & A L. Office A.S.A.C 2d Div 6 Sub Dist
Bowling Green Caroline Co Va Oct 8 /67

Bvt Lt Col James Johnson
Sub Asst Commissioner.


I have the honor to report a very painful case that happened in this County on the 26th Ultimo resulting in the death of a Freedman named Hudson or Hutchinson, The facts of the case as sworn to by Cold witnesses are as follows.

This man Hudson was employed by a white man named Tallaiferro, to do some hauling.  The team used in the hauling belonged to a Mrs Mary Harrison.  It seems the bargain was, that Hudson was to get so much apple whiskey, for his work and Mrs Harrison so much for the team.

The first witness Lewis - Cold, testified that after the work agreed was done (he was with Hudson all the time) Hudson demanded his pay from Tallaiferro, who remonstrated with him, said he had drank too much and advised him to come for his share on the following day.  Hudson demanded his share then, and said he was determined to have his rights &c and would not be cheated.  Then Tallaiferro gave him his share and told him to leave the place, whereupon he demanded what was coming to Mrs Harrison - using the same language - that he knew his rights and would not be cheated nor allow Mrs Harrison to be cheated either.