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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner, District of Virginia,
Richmond, Va., October 9th 1867.

Bvt. Lt. Col J. Johnson


A Colored Man by the name of Moses Johnson of or now Bowling Green, Carolina County Va., Complains of one B. Trice of said County; for Shooting at a man by the name of John Chew, late a Union Soldier.  Also that said Trice has several Colored men on his place that have not Registered and that he; said Trice refuses to allow them to leave his place for the purpose of Registering.  Also that Capt O'Dwyer has been notified of the facts and refuses to take action in the matter -

Plan to investigate the matter and make report to this office as soon as possible.

By Order of Gen Brown

Yours Respectfully 
E.M. Webber

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