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opinion that he was then dying, ordered his head to be kept cool etc.  He then left and did not see the deceased until the time he made a Post Mortem examination. He found a simple fracture over the left temple of an inch and a half to two inches in length, such a fracture would not necessarily produce death; he has a much more severe case of fracture on hand now that happened some time ago.  In answer to questions by the defense the Doctor states, That in cases of death from fracture of the scull that the pulse became gradually slower and slower until death ensued.  He could not say that the blow produced death.
There were no witnesses for the defence except a Mr. Phil Green for the purpose of proving that Tallaiferro was perfectly sober etc and a Doctor Butler who testified; That a man dying from a fracture of the scull, his pulse would be slow, that a comatose state would ensue almost immediately.  In answer to a question from Mr J. L. Marye Jr for the defence as to whether the symptoms spoken of by Dr. Gouldin in the deceased, were not the same as would be produced by a conjestive chill?  He said he thought so,  That a man after drinking a quantity of liquor and lying down on the damp ground for any considerable time, was very injurious and condusive to a conjestive chill.
By agreement between the counsel on both sides the case was submitted to the jury without argument.  The jury returned a Verdict of Not Guilty.