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This is to certify that the Land Records of this County shew that John [[strikethrough]] P [[/strikethrough]] Jones is seized and possessed of the following tracts of land situate in the County of Warwick State of Virginia to wit. Mallicotes containing 181 acres
and bounded as follows to wit: North and West by Smith South by James River & East by Mee tract Mee containing 136 acres
and bounded as follows to wit: North & West by Mallicotes East by Curtis & South by James River Buckhouse containing 180 acres
and bounded as follows to wit - North & West by Curtis East by McIntosh South by James River Belly Wood's - containing 62 acres
and bounded as follows to wit. North & West by McIntosh or Moore, East by Lewellyn & South by James River
Given under my hand this 28th day of November AD 1867 - Wm B Jones Clk

Transcription Notes:
I didn't change from original transcriber but am uncertain if a line space should be placed before the lines delineating the specific properties, i.e. Buckhouse and Belly Wood's.