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An account of the Personal Estate of Lewis J. Kennedy deceased by Edwin C. Morgan Administrator

M.21. R.F. & A.L. Vol 9. 1867.
Approved and passed June 9th 1866
Vol. 3 No. 947 A.C.D.C. 1867


[[stamp]] Bu. R.F. & A.L. Land & Claim Div. Rec'd Jan 22 1867 [[/stamp]]

The ballance mentioned within, namely, Three hundred & twenty six dollars & sixty nine cents was paid by me by virtue of within order on the 16th of June 1866 to Henry Douglas (colered) administrator of Betsy Kennedy wife of Lewis J. Kennedy deceased. This was a full settlement of all money in my hands & also my administration

E.C. Morgan
14 Jany 1867

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