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An Account of the Personal Estate of Lewis J. Kennedy deceased by Edwin C. Morgan Administrator

Amount of Assets in hand returned to the Orphan's Court as per Second and supplemental account approved and passed June 2d, 1866   1239.45
Less amount paid out and allowed by the Court as per said account  907.76
Leaving   331.69 
Deduct Register of Wills fee for stating this account and copy of same under seal   5.00  
Balance for distribution   $326.69

The Administrator aforesaid, having settled his final Account with this Court in March 1864, after the publication of the requisite legal notice to all creditors and heirs: and no legal heir having appeared to claim the balance in the hands of said administrator save the administrator of Betsey Kennedy, widow of said deceased; it is therefore Ordered by the Court this 9th day of June 1866, that the Administrator of Lewis J. Kennedy, deceased, pay over the balance remaining in his hands, as such Administrator to Henry Douglas, Administrator of the said Betsey Kennedy deceased.

Z.C. Robbins
Register of Wills

District of Columbia,
Washington County, to wit:
Office of Register of Wills,
June 12th 1866.

I hereby Certify, that the a foregoing is a true copy from the original Account of the Personal Estate of Lewis J. Kennedy deceased, by Edwin C. Morgan Administrator
filed and recorded in the office of Register of Wills for Washington County aforesaid.

Witness my hand and the seal of the Orphans' Court of Washington County aforesaid, this 12th day of June A.D. 1866.

Z.C. Robbins
Register of Wills.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-23 18:18:27