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B.R.F. & A Lds
Office of Sub. Dist of
Lynchburgh - Jany 21/67

Captain R.S. Lacey
Supt 7th Dist.

Mr. Thomas Martin met me at Nelson Station this P.M. and stated in a very decided and not over corteous manner that he intended to take possession of the horse which was taken from him by the endorsement of the Asst. Commissioner on the 22d of novr 1866, or thereabouts

He seems to have embibed the idea that the Circular from the Asst. Comr. of the 22d of Decr 1866 suspending Genl. Orders No 11 - & directing the return of all Government horses taken thereunder, includes this horse also. I attempted to explain the matter without apparent effect. Mr. Martin did not preface his remarks by asking for information in regard to the orders on the horse question, neither did he ask why I had not returned this horse as I had, others, but stated that he had received a very polite letter from Genl. Schofield, that he had