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L.29. R.F. & A.L. D of P. 1st Vol. 1867.

time had her bound to me by the Bearo, solely to protect her untill I though her old enough to protect herself. She has been raised as a nurse, and in any other capacity is not efficient, so that had it not been for a very strong attachment for her, i would have prefered giveing her up. I should have sent her to her mother at Richmond after hearing from her, had her letter been a respectful oone, but the language of the letter was exceedingly offensive. Perhaps she did not know the contents. I can scarcely think she did. If the Freedmens Beauro here will give Julia free transportation to Lexington ([[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] I will see them about it) and she wishes to go, I will send her to her mother.

Very Respectfully
Yours &c.
Mrs. Madison Crockett