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Bureau of R.F and A.L.
Sub District No 1 7th District Va
Pittsylvania County
Hd Qtrs Danville Va
February 12th 1867

Capt R.S. Lacey
Supt 7th District Va


I have the honor to report that a freedman named Stephen Still came to me yesterday and stated that he had been tied to a tree by three men viz Joseph Estis James Estis and Elias Estis and beaten severely in proof thereof he exhibited to me his body on which was large welts caused by blows inflicted by the Estis brothers, in many places the skin had been broken by the blows inflicted,

This affair occured some fifteen miles from this place near a small town called - Cascade,  The civil authorities do not seem at "all inclined to take any action in the matter.

Can not some steps be taken to protect the freedmen from these outrages, which are evidently rapidly increasing

Very Respectfully Your
Ob'dt Servant
G B Carse
Bt Colonel
V.R.C. and 
Asst Supt Bureau of R F and A.L.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-25 15:29:51