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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Alexandria, VA., March 19. 1867.

Bv't Maj'r Gen'l J. M. Scofield.
Ass't Commissioner. V.a.

Sir in compliance with special Orders No 38. dated War Department. Bureau R.F. & A. L. Washington D.C. March 15th 1867. I have the the honor to report that I am on duty at this place, as Sup't. of Bureau of R. F. & A. L. for the Counties of Alexandria, &. Fairfax. V.a. 

I have two commissioned Officers in this district. first Leut. Newton Whitten 6th Reg't. V.R.C. Acting Ass't Q. M. in Alexandria. and 2d Leu't Wm Shields 44th Reg't U.S.I. (V.R.C.) Sup't of Fairfax County. Office at Vienna. 

I am Sir
Very Respectively 
Yours Obe'tly
J.P. Lee
Cap't 45. U.S.I. (V.R.C), Sup't R.F. & A.L.