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interim suit has been instituted for the recovery of the produce wrongfully withheld.  Owing, however, to the Sheriff's failure, to serve the requisite process, or notice, in time, the suit, which should also have come up before the Circuit Court in May, will have necessarily to be over now until the October term of the same Court - Counsel shrank from bringing this suit in the County Court, well knowing that the Justices of the Peace comprising it did not possess that knowledge, of the Law required in such a case. -    There is no Civil Authority competent to order the surrender of the produce withheld, even should the Injunction be sustained; and there exists no other remidy than as per the foregoing, no matter to what degree of destitution the injured party & his family may, in the meantime, thereby be reduced. -

Of course I shall watch the two phases of the case as they come up for trial, & make suitable report of the same.  Nothing further can be done here.

W.F. DeKnight
1st Lt. V.R.C. & Asst Supt
B.R.F. & A.L.