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As may be seen by the appended papered recovered from him; which will be found marked "E", the astounding discovery was here made that "the decision of the County Court is final, as it was an appeal from the judgement of a Magistrate." Dillard, of course, must have known this; and hence his iniquitous course. Patterson could have employed no more fitting agent to carry out his nefarious plans. They are well suited to each other.
At this point I felt strongly impelled to exceed my authority, and at least see what effect it would have to order the execution stopped. I, however, finally concluded to consult after Counsel, in the interest of the freedman. Mr. "Hugh Nelson", the Lawyer called on, after claiming the "Code" decided that the Laws of Va certainly did not admit of an appeal from the decision of a County Court, pronounced in the instance of an appeal, from the judgement of a Magistrate; but said he, when that law was enacted, no such case as this was ever contemplated. He then stated that the only course left after, was to apply, by mail, to Judge "Gustavus A. Wingfield of the Circuit Court of this District, who resides in Liberty, Bedford Co., for an Injunction, on the ground of - "A surprise." This paper was accordingly properly executed; but owing to the irregularity of the trials just now, caused by the recent continuous hearing heavy rains in this section, it may not even leave here for some time to come; & it will necessarily be a still longer time, after it does leave, before it is heard from in reply; and long before that the man's property may be disposed of. Thus the Injunction will be granted, Mr. Nelson seems to have no doubt; but it depends upon what further evidence may hereafter be brought to be as in the case, whatever I will be 

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-26 18:23:55