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(14.) Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Hd qrs. Sub. Asst. Com'r. 10th. Sub. Dist. Va.
Alexandria, Va. May 2nd 1867.

Capt. Garrick Mallery
A.A.A. Gen'l.

     I have the honor to transmit herewith, monthly Report of Intelligence office, for the month of April, 1867, and Tri-monthly report from the 20th, to the 30th, of April. I also enclose Report of Officers, Report of Officers and enlisted men, and Report of Civilian Employees, on duty in the 10th. Sub. Dist. of Va.

I am, Captain,
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
S.R. Lee
Capt. 45th. U.S.V. and Sub. Asst. Com'r
10th Sub. Dist. Va.