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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, &c.
Office Superintendent
Alexandria, Va. Dec 15th, 1865

Mrs. Mary J. Dixon
Alexandria, Va.,
     Your communication in relation to property belonging to you situated on South St. Asaph Street, and occupied by Mrs Harriet Williams, has been received and the case investigated. 
      That your title to the property is good since the date of redemption, (Oct 27 1865) there can be no doubt, and I have so explained it to Mrs. Williams. As the latter is in posession however, without any time contract, she must be given three months official notice to vacate, meanwhile you have a claim on her for a reasonable monthly rent, to date, from Oct. 27 1865
     All matters previous to this date are subjects for further settlement It appears that in May, 1861, Mrs. Williams had paid you rent in full and that during that month before you left the city, she paid you three months rent in advance to July, 1861, inclusive. Mrs Williams has evidence of this payment, altho the last leaf in her receipt book has been destroyed.
     As you have redeemed the property, and as the law provides (over)

Transcription Notes:
10.24.2023 - Resolved the last remaining [[?]] and confirmed that there is indeed a South St. Asaph Street in Alexandria Va.; Marking for review