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for the re-embursement of the money paid by Mrs Williams at the Tax Sale, with interest,- the whole subject of that sale is settled, and it remains only to decide what is due from Mrs Williams to you for the use of the property from July, 1861, to Oct. 27 1865, and what is due from you to Mrs Williams for taxes paid by her on the property, and for repairs and improvements made by her thereon, during the same period.
     Mrs Williams during your long absence when you had no agent in this City to protect your interest, kept your property from all damage, and made sufficient repairs to ballance the ordinary wear and tear. In this case as in all others of a similar nature, and there are many, I give it as the opinion of this Bureau, that under the peculiar circumstances, you as owner of the property, have no claim whatever, on the occupant, from the time of her last payment of rent- and of your voluntary departure from the City, practically abandoning your property,- to the time of your re-appearance here, and subsequent redemption of the property.
     On the other hand, Mrs Williams holds receipts for corporation taxes paid on this property, from January 1st 1856, to December 31st, 1865, amounting in all to ninety nine dollars twenty-five cents.
     I therefore hold that Mrs Harriet Williams has today a just claim against you of two hundred dollars ($200.) and that 