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you have to-day a just claim against her of reasonable rent of the property for two (2) months.

In addition to this, and the repairs on the property which I consider as ballancing the ordinary wear and tear, improvement were made by Mrs. W. which I estimate as increasing the value of the property, one hundred dollars seventy-five cents ($100.75)

This is the official decision of the Bureau as to a settlement between you and Mrs. W. in equity.

It is recommended that instead of a cash settlement Mrs. Williams receive from you a written agreement allowing her to occupy the property, without rent, until March 1, 1867, at which date each party shall give the other a receipt in full for all claims.

Your Obt. Servt.
(Sgd) Henry E. Alvord

S.P. Lee
Capt 45th U.S.I. and Sub. Asst. Comr.
10 Sub. Dist. Va.