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Henry Wilkinson Pltff }
vs                    }   In [[?]]
John Wilkinson Deft   }   

Upon the trial of this cause, Deft. proved by two witnesses William E Dodson and Meniard Barker that, about three weeks after Wright's Core passed his house on their way to Danville, which was the last of Apl./65 and up to which time no work had been done on his plantation owing to the disturbances occasioned thereby he called upon plaintiff, and informed him he was then free and could go where he thought proper to go and was at liberty to make his own bargains. Pltff told deft that he did not know where to go unless he could stay with him. Deft told him that he was left without any thing scarcely, and he could not promise to pay him any money, but if he would stay with him, they would all do the best they could, that he would feed and clothe him as he had done and if he staid with him until Christmas he would give him an extra pr. shoes, to which the Pltff agreed Deft also told Pltff after he agreed to the above that if he Deft should get any money, that if he would work he would give him some money along as he might need. Pltff remained on Defts plantation until Christmas, and made a new contract for the next year, which was to be clothed and fed as usual and fifty dolls at the end of the year Pltff stayed about a week and left., and has not been in his imployment since. Deft alleges that the above contract has been complied with, he says that Pltff was sick two months during the time, the months of Sept. & Oct. during which time he was not able to help him save his fidder [[fodder?]] or tobacco, not being able to work until the tobacco was housed a good deal of the time he had to be nursed and waited on by his family and that during the