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Warrenton Va
May 27 1867

Capt. S R Lee
Sub Asst Comr
Alexandria Va
     There was a memorial meeting at Manassas on Saturday last. I was present and among the speakers was a lawyer from Alexandria Va. who used in his speech the following words
      "I thought I saw one of these yankee officers strutting around here with an antiquated uniform on just as if he thought I regarded him and would be afraid to talk plain I aint afraid as my friend who has proceeded me. I am not so tender. I belong to a nobler race than these infernal yankees. I have got permission from Andy Johnson to say just what I please here and I tell you, when these damned hypocritical lying yankees attempt to force this infamous idea of equality upon us we will have another war in which we will all engage and you will find me as before in the front rank I shall never submit to this infamous violation of the constitution. I took