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constable, did not know who he was, he was in citizens dress, he got up on a bench and said to some one, "hush your fuss"!! the man named Griffin ~~ was standing by the table, there was a great deal of noise, there was not a blow struck in that room to my knowledge, did not hear anyone threaten Mr. Veitch, he went away. he went around the house, and all the men rushed out of the house, when they found the house surrounded by guards the shot was fired at this time. heard no threats nor insulting language used toward the military or the constable. did not attempt to escape, gave myself up to the military was arrested and taken to Fort Whipple kept here until July 1st 1867. when I was transferred to Alexandria County Jail. Re-examined. Did not see who fired the shot, seen the man Griffin ~~ fall, he did not die instantly. I went to him and put my hand to his forehead, he was gasping for breath, he was in the house, he was standing just inside of the door of the house when he was shot. Shot was fired from the outside of the house. no men outside but the constable and the military, think the shot was fired by the constable, not certain, report sounded like a pistol, a report

Transcription Notes:
can't read the word before or after "citizens" ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-27 10:40:04 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-27 07:48:02 Citizen's dress.