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Charles Parker colored, states that on the evening of the 29th of June. 1867. I was at home in Washington, D.C., someone said Lizzie Ridgely was to have a dance tonight, let's go over. I went over to Martha Dodson, and told her about it, and she said she would go if her husband was willing, her husband said if she was going with me it would be all right, we started with Geo. Mahoney, Wm Jones, John Williams, and Henry Jackson, and four women, in going over, Mahoney and Jones and their women got ahead of us, and when me and Henry Jackson, and John Williams, and the women got nearly up there, I heard a fuss and said there is some trouble ahead and we all walked pretty fast and when we got up there, Jim Becket was pulling at Linn Hill or Myers and George Mahoney was trying to keep him from hurting her. John Williams wanted to go back, I said we come over for a little pleasure, let us go up to the house and rest a bit before we go home. We all went up to the house then, I went to the door and paid for Martha Dodson, Linn Hill or Myers, Cornelia Coffey and myself. I then went into the Dining Room and said I would like something to eat, Cornelia says well go and get it and I will pay for it, I went in and set down, the woman gave me some bacon and cabbage, I said have you got any thing