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Elizabeth Campbell,
 All I know about this is, that I asked Mr. Veach permission to have a ball. He said I might, providing the colored people kept all quiet.  On Saturday before last I had a ball and that gave me encouragement to have another last Saturday. Some time getting late in the night this Harvey(two Brothers & one of them) and Parker came from town with Popbottles bottles of Whiskey with them. They drank the whiskey up and began to raise a great fuss at the supper table. It raised a very big fuss it was late in the night. some of them told them what raised the fuss better to shut up, well they did not shut up but kept at it. Parker was the instigator of all the trouble. I did not see anything but what happened at the table, Griffin Burk (the dead man) asked me if I had anything to drink. I told him I had nothing stronger than lemonade. then he asked me to take a glass of lemonade. I told him wait a while. I could not get it on account of Parker. Well, Parker wanted his supper, I gave it to him, piled up on a plate for 3 people providing, he began to curse me, calling me all the bitches he could lay his mind to, and running his hand behind him, as if to take out weapons, getting me from my seat several times. All this happened during which time the man (dead) was waiting with a glass of lemonade, Just at that time I heard some of them say, "there comes the guard". shortly after it I heard the

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---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-27 11:37:17 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-27 12:50:48