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—damned black bitch. He got up and rushed at me. Harriet Lee pushed him back. I got angry and told him not to call any man out of his name, and not to call me out of my name. I got mad and picked up a tumbler, but did not throw it at him. George Mahoney grabbed my hand and prevented me from doing so. There was a man named E. Edwards lives in Georgetown, he came in and said, I like that woman, do not hurt her (to Mahoney) Edwards taking hold the same time of Mahoney and pushed him to the door. George went out and pushed me back in the room and I came out and stood by some men standing at the table. Charles Parker, called for 3 [[suppers?]]. I suppose 3 glasses of lemonade and he got it, mother says Who is going to pay for it? when he began cursing, and his woman or wife, I do not know which she is, said, never mind, I pay for these things, she said she would pay for it, when he said it was paid for. Mother says rather than to have a fuss about them I give you the money and things too and all the time mother was talking this Parker was cursing all the time and hand into a side pocket as if to draw something, a weapon or something, making motions to that effect and cursing all the time, mother repeating she sooner give him the money and things than to have a fuss. at this time the guards came to the house. I was in the house, that quarrel occured I believe during Mr.Veach's absence going after the guards, there