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Sergt. Geo. W. Smith 4th U.S.Art'y.

I was ordered by the Commanding Officer of the Post between the hours of 1 and 2 A.M. June 30th 1867, to proceed with my guard and Mr. Veach Officer of the County Police to a certain shanty occupied by colored people and stop a fuss supposing to be among the negroes themselves, afew minutes afterwards Sergt Geoghagan 4th Arty, joined me with another squad of men, being informed by Mr. Veach that my guard detail was not sufficient to go to that house, and having passed through the bushes, I found myself in rear of the party that joined me here, I asked him how this thing was to be done, when the main party of the squad was within reach of the house, we did not come to any conclusion and Mr. Veach told us to surround the house, I found myself within 4 yards of the side door when one of the negroes inside, after being told by Mr. Veach that the whole of them should come out and deliver their arms, that negro exclaimed, come, let us fight these sons of bitches, at the same time one pistol shot was heard, from what direction I do not know, because there was considerable noise inside and outside.  A Colt revolver I recognized to be in the hands of a negro appeared at the side window being partly open & another small pistol was seen by myself in the hands of another negro

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