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wounded when he got to the fort, the Doctor examined him and found that the skin had been broken, and that he had lost only a small quantity of blood. I had all the negroes confined in the fort, and as soon as the Doctor (Post. Surgeon) had finished examining the wounded man I went with the Surgeon to Lizzie's house and found 10 black women and 3 black men in the front room and in one of the back rooms a dead body of a black man, the people in the house generally stated that there had been a been a row in and about the house during the night and several of them said it was a great pity two or three more had not been shot. The Doctor examined the body, and I had the house searched for arms, but found none with the exception of a rusty musket or shot gun which appeared to be unserviceable, I then returned to the fort. I would add when I sent Sergt Smith with the first party, I did not think it necessary to send an officer because I had entire confidence in his discretion and ability he being in my opinion a fine specimen of a non-commissioned officer. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-10-27 12:13:12