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Horse head P. Office Maryland
May 10th, 1867

C. W. Walters Esq
Dr. Sir

While in Alexandria last Tuesday. I called at Col. Lees Office, and regret I did not see him in reference to my Plaster Mill property known as Swawns P. Mill on the Corner of Union and Wilks street to make to him the necessary information about it. I was kindly shown by one of his Officers that my mill had been recorded in the Office as abandoned property (I suppose thought by Rebel)and also had been burnt,  
Now I think I can prove to the Col. that it was never abandoned by me and also by hundreds of Persons in Maryland Washington Alexandria that I have always been loyal to the United States and lived during the War in Washington D.C. & Maryland, the following Gentlemen have charge of the Mill up to the latter part of 1861, Messers C. A Moor & Bros