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neither did their counsel know a word of it (This was reported by Tracy to me and inserted into my January report of "Affairs")  The court refused to instruct the jury as requested by counsel for defence (Marked K & L) but allowed instruction by opposite counsel (Marked M & N & Q)

Mrs. Tracy by counsel took exception to the ruling of the court as to their requiring her to produce the bonds that they might be stamped marked (P)

The jury brought in a verdict for the Plaintiff when upon a compromise was offered by Plaintiff through fear of further action to Defendant which was adjusted as (marked R)  The reason that Mrs. Tracy acceded to this compromise was first she was well satisfied that she could not get justice in this court and being feeble in health she thought it better to pay this sum than be obliged to come down from Washington to attend it.  I was well satisfied in my own mind that if both these parties had been Southern in feeling the case would have gone the other way.

I am Capt
Very Respectfully
Your Obt. Servt.
W.S. Chase
2d Lt. V.R.C. & A.S.A. Com'r