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No 2. Agreement (F)

I have this day rented from Mrs. Ava B. Tracy her mill property known as Rockhill for the term of three years for which I have given my bonds with security. I hereby find myself to take good care of all the buildings, cut no trees, from the lot enclosed around the dwelling house nor mill, to keep the fence around said lot in good [[strikethrough]] repair [[/strikethrough]] order to allow us hogs to get in said lot and to plough only such parts of said lot as have been used for garden purposes, to use firewood sparingly, to let no unauthorized parties cut any timber off the place, to put no repairs on any of the buildings at the owners expense without her written consent. To take good care of the lumber left in and near the mill such as logs, planks, scantlins, tools, bands, boxes, spouts of which the owner has a list, to board all heads employed to repair the mill, mill dam, forebay &c. free of charge to the owner of the property, to have this mill in order to manufacture flour by the first day of January 1868, the expense for putting the mill in such order to make flour nor to be deducted from the rent to allow no roads to be made through any part of the land belonging to the mill tract, to make all persons pay five dollars in advance for the privilege of getting ice off the milldam, to keep a competent miller in the mill during the time for which I have rented it. For any violation of any part of this [[strikethrough]] contract [[/strikethrough]] agreement the owner of the property serves the right to dispossess me and I am to give possession of the property within sixty days of receiving notice in writing and to forfeit one years rent. In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my hand and seal this first day of January 1867. 

Witness Philip A. Tracy (Signed) 

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